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Comparative adjectives – older than, more important than, etc.

Forming regular comparatives and superlatives

  1. We use comparatives to compare two things or two people. (e.g She is taller than her husband.)
  2. Superlatives are used, however, to show the difference between more than two things or more than two people. (e.g Paris is the biggest city in France)
  3. To form comparatives and superlatives you need to know the number of the syllables in the adjective. Syllables are like “sound beats”.

For instance:

The rules to form comparatives and superlatives:

1. One syllable adjective ending in a silent ‘e’ — nice

2. One syllable adjective ending in one vowel and one consonant — big

3. One syllable adjective ending in more than one consonant or more than a vowel (or long vowels) — highcheap, soft.

4. A two syllable adjective ending in ‘y’ — happy

5. Tow syllable or more adjectives without ‘y’ at the end  exciting


Peter (6 years old)Charley (5 months old)
Peter is older than Charley.
Charley is younger than Peter.

Irregular comparatives and superlatives

little  lessleast

How to use comparatives and superlatives

Comparatives are used to compare two things or two people:
Alan is taller than John.
Superlatives are used to compare more than two things or two people. Superlative sentences usually use ‘the’:
Alan is the most intelligent.


To express similarities use the following structure:

… as + adjective + as …


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